It’s the thought that counts!

Christmas is the season of good will. While it is a warm and wonderful time, for many it’s quite lonely and isolating. Particularly, for older people due to fears of ice, slips and trips. With COVID -19, it’s made things become a lot harder to socialise and interact with others too. A random act of kindness may be insignificant to you, but for someone it will have went a long way. There is nothing better than the feeling of knowing you’ve made a difference to someone’s life, big or small. Kindness is one of our ethos at Kare Plan. We’ve compiled a few acts that’s sure to bring a smile to your face as well as to those you’re helping.
Salt! That’s right, salt! For many elderly people, ice is a very dangerous hazard. Chances of slips & trips are heightened with the effect of ice. Leave them a bag of salt by their doorstep and let them know. Perhaps, you can help by salting their drive or path so they can leave their home safely.
Take their pets out If you know of an elderly neighbour or friend who have pet dogs, why not offer to take them out for a relaxing, long walk? Even if they refuse, the gesture will be much appreciated. This would be a brilliant act if they haven’t been able to take their pets out themselves.
Offer to do their shopping Maybe, your neighbours haven’t been able to go to the shops as often as they’d like. You can offer to do their grocery shopping for them. Or even offer to order it online. Supermarkets such as Tesco and Aldi now offer delivery service, which is a great tool for your neighbours who can’t go to the shops.
Flowers If you know your neighbours are fond of their flowers and plants, you can offer to water their flowers and plants. Another sweet gesture is to get them a set of flowers or plants. You could include a homemade or a store bought card to let them know you’re thinking of them.
Cook an extra portion Who doesn’t love a Sunday roast? You’re not strictly limited to giving a portion of a Sunday roast, of course. If you’re cooking up a feast for the family, feel free to add an extra portion to offer to your neighbours. It shows you’re thinking of them and that you made the jolly effort to give them a meal.
Chat to them Last but not least, take the time to speak briefly to them. It’s a small thing to do but humans instinctively thrive on social interactions. That 5 minute chat will make a massive difference to people who are isolated.
Providing and showing kindness is essential here at Kare Plan. If you’re looking for the right homecare organisation and wish to be in an environment where you’re valued, it would be a pleasure for us to accommodate those wishes. Contact us at 086 107 6742 to schedule your interview. Or click the link below.